Loan Repayment & Supports Navigation Tool
Student loan repayment programs have become popular means to both recruit and retain healthcare providers to address the healthcare workforce shortages that are affecting every state in the country. As part of the state’s efforts to increase access to primary care, dental, and behavioral health services, and reduce health disparities among our most vulnerable populations, the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Executive Office of Health & Human Services have jointly developed this Loan Repayment Guide.
This Loan Repayment Guide is a navigable tool designed to help health professionals and those seeking health careers become aware of the potential loan repayment program options available in Rhode Island. Loan repayment programs ease the financial burden associated with student loan debt, so highly qualified and diverse professionals can pursue health career pathways. In exchange for loan repayment, most programs have a service component, requiring that health professionals serve in a local, state, or tribal health facility, or with underserved populations in identified Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Please use the fields below to explore what loan repayment programs may be available to you.
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